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The Shop

Our metal fabrication and machine shops were the product of our success with manufacturing our intricate greenhouse projects. B&K expanded its range of equipment and created a state-of-the-art metal fabrication and machine shop. Our shop is capable of numerous services thanks to our computerized numerical controlled machinery and a full inventory of conventional fabrication equipment. B&K can fabricate, machine and weld a variety of materials such as steel, stainless steel, aluminum, brass, copper, and plastics. We have the equipment to shear, burn, saw, bend, form, roll, punch, lathe turn, mill, and grind. The resources we have to allows us to specialize in the manufacture, repair or reproduction of components for machinery, obsolete parts or structures, and custom parts. No matter how demanding, we always fulfill our promise to deliver on time and within budget.

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Water Jet Cutting

Some products that are commonly manufactured with a Water Jet are gears, flanges, fittings decorative gates and metal work.


Metal Fabrication

Some examples of products made by metal fabrication are loose parts, stairs and hand railings for buildings.


Sheet Metal Fab

Some of the most common products that are made from sheet metal fabrication are  HVAC, consumer appliances, exhaust systems and tanks.

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Some of the most common items that are created by machinist are ventilators, bolt plates, rims for tires, and parts for machines.

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