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B&K Gutter-Connected Truss-Bow

This greenhouse is the standard for professional growing because they are fabricated to "Grow-with-You” by providing the necessary connections to easily expand.

B&K Gutter-Connected Sawtooth Truss-Bow

Sawtooth greenhouses are perfect for areas where heat control is a major factor.

B&K Custom Sawtooth Truss with Roadway Design

This custom sawtooth is an original B&K design that includes raised and covered roadway between greenhouses.

B&K Custom Gutter-Connected Truss with Roadway Design

B&K's famous "World-Class" Gutter Connected Greenhouse, provides an optimal raised and covered roadway between greenhouses.

B&K Hi-Span “Double Bow” Truss Specimen

This is a unique multi-use greenhouse structure, engineered to have superior strength; this is a B&K copyrighted Double Bow Truss design.

B&K Economical Gutter-Connected Bow

This Greenhouse design allows you to construct the largest possible growing area, in the shortest time and for the least amount of money.

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